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After doing this project what I've come to realize was simply how  imporatnt it is that our youth can find jobs. Becuase based on the feedback from many youths saying how, the site was able to hlp them find jobs and in particualr discover jobs that they have gained an intrest in. It reflects basically how by getting the youth to work not only would they gain money and give back to the community, but it creates an intrest in a particualr feild for them that would result in future occupations. Basically our website is helping the next genration take shape, and I was happy in contributing this notin by doing all the research that was neccesary in order to undesatnd how we can attack the issue in diffrent angles.

At first I was a bit confused as to how we were going to adrees an issue, that to me seemed to large of a tasked. However after going over with the rest of my group and finding a sort attainable method, it seemed to be achievable that what I orginally thought of before. So I worked my butt off and helped in contacting the many job programs out their for youths, as well to promote many of their sites and other sites on our webpage  to encorage the youth to go out and try these jobs.

After completing the project, I actually feel like we have achomplished somethign important. My job was mainly to edit and work on the actual webpage itself, howver after doing ti and doing my own little research on how we can solve ouur issue, i feel more enlighten by the situation. Becuase this does not just affect the U.S. it affects the world sicne their are many youth out there who don't even have a job. So me partaking on this issue made me feel achommplishjed.

Erik Cruz

Age: 17

School: International Studies Learning center

Cristina Moreno

Age: 18

School: International Studies Learning center

 Armando Soreano

Age: 17

School: International Studies Learning center

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